RISC Members
RISC is proud to have members from across the country. Together, we create an environment that allows for the latest and greatest in pooling information and practices.
Our member states are highlighted in blue and the full list of our members and the board that leads us are below.
RISC members taking advantage of information sharing and benefits.

Board of Directors
Mark R. Hayes, Chair
Executive Director, Arkansas Municipal League
Randy Logan, Vice Chair
Deputy Executive Director, Georgia Municipal Association Risk Management and Employee Benefit Services
Lynn Bren
Executive Director, South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance
Jerry Deschane
Executive Director, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
AJ Forte
Executive Director, New Mexico Municipal League
Chris Krepcho
Chief of Insurance & Financial Services, Florida League of Cities
Michelle Pelletier
Director, Risk Management Services, Maine Municipal Association
Bennett Sandlin
Executive Director, Texas Municipal League
Member Pools
- Accelerate Indiana Municipalities
- Alabama Municipal Workers Compensation Fund
- Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association, Inc.
- Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool
- Arkansas Municipal League
- Association of Washington Cities Risk Management Service Agency & Employee Benefit Trust
- Citycounty Insurance Services (Oregon)
- Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency
- Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency
- Florida Municipal Insurance Trust
- Georgia Municipal Association
- HealthTrust (New Hampshire)
- Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association
- Iowa Municipalities Workers’ Compensation Association
- Kentucky League of Cities Insurance Services
- League Association of Risk Management (Nebraska)
- League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust
- League of Wisconsin Municipalities Mutual Insurance
- Local Government Insurance Trust (Maryland)
- Maine Municipal Association Risk Management Services
- Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association, Inc.
- Michigan Municipal League
- Mississippi Municipal Service Company
- Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority
- Municipal Health Solutions (Oklahoma)
- New Mexico Self Insurers’ Fund
- North Carolina League of Municipalities
- Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group
- PennPRIME Insurance Trust
- Public Entity Partners (Tennessee)
- Public Entities Pool of Ohio
- Rhode Island Interlocal Risk Management Trust
- South Carolina Municipal Insurance Trust
- South Dakota Municipal League Workers’ Compensation Fund
- South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance
- Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool
- Utah Local Governments Trust
- Vermont League of Cities & Towns