NLC-RISC convened a Civility, Collaboration Working Group (CCG) in January 2025. Our initial discussions were about how NLC-RISC and state pools can support entities to adopt practices which reduce stress on their organizations, promote common solutions for their communities’ needs and reduce the risk of lawsuits and financial losses (absenteeism, decreased productivity, increased turnover).     

We hope to expand our group to include participants from all regions and welcome those working in civility/collaboration or related areas to join. Please share this opportunity with anyone in your pool who might be interested.  

Here is information about CCG with the caveat that we are still forming, and new members will bring more ideas: 

Who we are: CCG members work at state pools and some or all our time is focused on helping member entities adopt practices and policies which promote civil interaction and collaboration for loss prevention.  We are an informal, collaborative group.  We don’t have any plans to limit the number of people, however the number of interested people might dictate how we operate. We ask that only one or two people from any organization participate.  

Activities: Our group plans to share resources and experiences with all pools (through our sponsor, NLC RISC) and gather data about perspectives and needs for civility resources from members.  

Time commitment: We expect one-hour online meetings as needed.  We will likely meet monthly as we are forming and less frequently as we get organized.  The group communicates virtually between meetings. Volunteers take on specific tasks between meetings.  

What we want to do. How we will do it. 
Vision: NLC-RISC members’ loss control efforts include practices and tools to work collaboratively toward shared community goals. Mission: The NLC-RISC Civility/Collaboration Group is a hub to share resources and learning opportunities that help members manage incivility.  
Objectives: Focus on loss control efforts, cost of incivility Support effective governance practice Foster wellbeing and positive interactions Goals: Develop shared resources and learning opportunities Learn more about members’ experiences and needs Provide tools pools can use themselves to help members 

Shared Values: 

  • Omni partiality – we include all perspectives 
  • Collaboration – we work together to achieve our goals  
  • Civility – we demonstrate respectful and courteous behavior 
  • Service – we support the NLC RISC community 
  • Others? 

If you are interested in joining or have questions, please contact us here.